Movie Review: The Deliverance (Netflix)
"The Deliverance" is a gripping supernatural thriller that follows a struggling family plagued by demonic possession. The movie takes an unconventional approach, departing from the typical depiction of happy families beset by evil forces. Instead, we're introduced to a household ravaged by hatred, poverty, and despair, making them vulnerable to malevolent entities. Review: I was thoroughly captivated by "The Deliverance," thanks largely to Andra Day's phenomenal performance. Her portrayal of the protagonist is mesmerizing, eliciting a rollercoaster of emotions. Initially, I found her character unlikeable, but as the story unfolded, Day's masterful acting transformed my perception, leaving me invested in her fate. A pivotal scene, which I won't spoil, when Day's character had her breath taken away was powerful. The film's dark, realistic tone and departure from traditional exorcism movie tropes added depth to the narrative. However,...