I'm That Creep

If I could sit in a crowded place, the mall for example, and watch people all day without them knowing it, I totally would. For someone that doesn’t like to interact with strangers or people in general, if I can help it, I do find them extremely interesting. They especially are when they don’t know that they are being watched. Everyone acts differently when they feel like they are not being observed. Even when they know I am standing there watching they are still interesting to me. I like to study people and see their little quirks. For example, there is a young lady that I work with that I like to watch. To be honest, she didn’t make a very good first impression with me. She seemed a little chaotic and high strung for my taste. Now that I am getting to know her a little better, I like her. She seems to be a kind-hearted person who craves girl time. In fact, I overheard her speaking of this the other day. She was talking about how she has to have a girlfriend to talk ...