Back to Basics

It has been a few months since I have written on this blog, so it's time for an update.
I took a break from this blog to focus on my YouTube channel. I had this dream of recording myself practicing magick, pulling tarot cards, and performing general witchy tasks. I didn't realize how much went into growing a YouTube channel. It's insane! I still think it is an awesome idea. Unfortunately, I had to return to work a regular job and now there is no way I would have enough time to keep up with a regular filming schedule. They say in order to grow an audience, you have to post on the same days every week. While working in the food industry, though, I never have a regular schedule. I don't like to do things if I can't do them exceptionally well, so I will put this idea on the back burner for now.
I can, however, always find time to write. Right now, I am waiting for my husband to get off of work, sitting in a back booth of the restaurant, writing this on my phone. So much easier than finding the right lighting, the perfect sound, and stuttering over my words trying not to sound ridiculous on camera.
Now the question is what to fill this blog with. Originally, I was using this page for practicing my writing and sharing my opinions on different topics. The experts say that if you want to grow an audience on your blog, you should pick one niche and stick with it. That way, you have a target audience. I don't know if I want to do that, though. My interests are far and wide. I obviously love Wicca but that's not ALL I am. I love food, movies, and video games, too. I have different roles in life. Why do I have to do everything the same way everyone else does it in order to be successful? Just because it worked for them, doesn't necessarily mean it's the only way to do things. Right?
Basically, I am going to write about whatever I feel like writing about that day. If people read it, that's great, but it's not a requirement for me to be able to release my creativity.
In short, welcome to my blog about anything I freakin want it to be. ❤


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